The region’s first
omni channel closed-loop Voluntary Carbon

Carbon offsets originating from within a GC country may only be retired within the country along with international offsets thus enabling a closed loop ecosystem.

Tawazun for MENAP

Offset and


the environment.

Not all emissions can be reduced or evaded.

Access the most extensive portfolio of verified carbon credits (certificates) to offset your emissions and achieve net-zero.

It’s critical that we use our resources to enable a climate - first economy.

Optimizing enterprise climate action in MENAP towards the lowest incremental cost for an additional tonne of carbon removed.

Our proposition

Verified. Transparent. Comprehensive. Compliant.

Verified offsets

All carbon offset on Tawazun are compliant with global standards and registered with leading registeries including American Carbon Registry, Gold Standard, Verified Carbon Standard (Verra Registry), Climate Action Reserve.

Transparent pricing

Tawazun sources its verified inventory from originators as well as reputable secondary market listings powered by a proprietary matching algorithm which allows complete transparency at the best price and localised payment options.

Largest inventory

Tawazun is built for scaling climate action across industries, this means the largest selection of verified carbon offsets from all 4 primary types:

(I) Technology-based Carbon Capture & Storage (TCCS)
(II) Nature Based Sequestration (NBS)
(III) Avoidance of Non-natural Emissions (ANE)

Generate certificates

We offer internationally verified certificates for carbon offsets consisting of project information, mechanism, metrics and process.

Our offering

We provide a comprehensive range of high-quality, third-party verified carbon offsets enabling

enterprise net-zero.

Standard offset projects

Forestry conservation (REDD+)

Protecting forests from deforestation and degradation

Afforestation / reforestation (ARR)

Planting new forests and restoring degraded areas

Grasslands protection (ACoGS)

Preserving natural grasslands and their carbon stocks

Renewable energy

Adding zero-emission clean power capacity

Waste management (Landfill gas)

Capturing and combusting landfill methane emissions

Fuel switching

Switching higher emission fuels to lower emitting alternatives

Clean cookstoves

Switching higher emission fuels to lower emitting alternatives

Independent third-party ratings

Carbon projects on Tawazun are endorsed by independent third-party rating agencies to ensure carbon offsets transacted on the platform are trusted and transparent.


Calyx Global



Sustainable Development Goals

Industry-specific offerings


Offsets meeting aviation carbon standard

California LCFS

Low carbon transportation fuels protocol

Social Plastic ®

Plastic Bank's recycling & recovery standard

International registries

Tawazun sources offsets from reputed and verified global registries such as:

Climate Action Reserve

Gold Standard

Verra Verified Carbon Standard

Puro Earth

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Find out what Ahya can do for you.

The journey to a sustainable future is both challenging and rewarding. Imagine a world where every enterprise, every individual, acts with the planet in mind. With Ahya, that world isn't a distant dream. It's a vision we can realize together.